
Monday 25 August 2014


Agony: Ms Baxter took this photo immediately after waking up and discovering the burn on her breast
'I sleep in the nude and this large red mark was all down one side to the nipple,' Ms Baxter revealed in an interview with the Sun newspaper. She says her mother left scarred for life after charging mobile scorched her as she slept.

The 14-year-old had just arrived for her French class at a middle school in Kennebunk, Maine, when the device spontaneously set alight and burnt her thigh and back.
Ms Baxter, whose wound later became infected, now fears that she may not be able to breastfeed a second child should she have one.
'It's dreadful,' she added. 'Imagine if my daughter had been on that side of the bed and it had burned her face.'
When I touched the phone, it was so hot, I couldn't pick it up.' Ms Baxter's experience is not the first time that unwary users have found themselves injured by an overheating iPhone.
Just two weeks ago, Jake Parker, 18, woke up to find himself with a painful burn on his arm after dozing off draped over his iPhone 5.
And in February, a teenage girl was left with second degree burns after her iPhone caught fire while in her back pocket at school.see more pics below..
Painful: Dionne Baxter from Purfleet in Essex was left badly burned after falling asleep on her iPhone 4

Sore: Ms Baxter was left with a painful five inch scar which was made worse after the initial burn became infected

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