
Wednesday 8 October 2014



Owning a top-flight football club can be a miserable business. Though it has the appeal of living a video game in real life, it also has many pitfalls that can suck all the enjoyment out of it. Players and managers can fail your trust, the media can provide hourly calls for your head, and the fans can protest your every decision.
Then there's the distinct possibility that you have no idea what you're doing and are far too pompous to ever realize it. And all of this happens while your money burns like a tire fire and relegation looms as an annual threat of ruin and shame if any combination of things go wrong at the same time.
For most owners, navigating this misery is only rewarded with occasional moments of fleeting success that is usually experienced in the shadows. But unlike the Glazers, the Ashleys, the Tans, the absentee sheikhs, and many of the others, Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich actually seems to be enjoying himself.
In the 11 years since he bought the club, the dour-faced oligarch has often been seen but is rarely heard. He's been accused of single-handedly ruining the game with his mountains of dubiously obtained cash, but for all the outrage and ex-managers left in the wake of his 533-ft yacht, Abramovich looks to be having an exceptionally good time with his football. Chelsea are currently undefeated, top of the table and somehow on the safe side of Financial Fair Play, Jose Mourinho is driving Arsene Wenger mad, Didier Drogba is back in the fold, and Abramovich is in the director's box — pumping his fists like he's in the audience of the Jerry Springer Show, watching a little person beat up a morbidly obese adulterer.
Or sitting back and happily letting his pits flow in the breeze created by his players banging in goals.


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