
Thursday 16 October 2014


                        President Obama has been called a "psycho" by US billionaire, Donald Trump over his non-stoppage of flights from Ebola-affected countries into the US

Barack Obama has been severely criticized by billionaire, Donald Trump who has called the president’s mental faculties into question.
Reports says that Trump has continually called for flights from Ebola-affected countries into the US to be stopped and he says that the fact that Obama has not banned them shows that something is seriously wrong with him.

Meanwhile the billionaire tweeted: that is starting to think that there is something seriously wrong with President Obama's mental health. Why won't he stop the flights. Psycho!”
“It is time for the airline pilots, flight attendants and the airlines themselves to stop flights to and from West Africa. Do it right now!”
Two Americans have now been infected with Ebola after the entry into the country of Liberian index patient, Thomas Duncan.
The US has responded by screening passengers from the affected countries at its airports but Trump obviously doesn’t think this is enough.

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